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Sara with 3 day plant-based meal plan

Kick Start Your 2025 Weight Loss Now!

FREE Weight Loss Plan & Shopping List ($149 value)

Works for anyone who wants to lose weight.

  • FREE whole-foods, plant-based meal plan & grocery list with exactly what to eat with 3 filling meals + 2 delicious snacks each day. ($100 value)
  • FREE group experience with expert support. ($49 value)
  • Be 3-6+ pounds lighter in 3 days!*
  • Weight Watchers points & nutritional information included.
  • Real-food plan means you never go hungry.
  • NO exercise is required.
  • As featured in Woman's World magazine.

Best of all?  It's $149 completely free—our gift to you.


Prefer a regular 3-day diet meal plan? Click here for the meat & dairy option.

"I loved the amount of food. I had more energy and my fasting blood sugars came down 20 points."

-Lynette T., 70 years old, lost 3.6 pounds in 3 days

"I had never tried a plant-based diet. I'm a very picky eater. I loved the food and was never hungry. Everyone should try this to learn a different way to eat healthier."

-Peggy R., 54 years old, lost 1.6 pounds in 3 days


*Your results may vary. Consult a doctor for medical advice. WW is not associated with this plan.